Voting for President? 

Presidential Primary Election | March 3, 2020

Presidential Primary Election

March 3, 2020

 Did you know your political party registration will affect which presidential candidates appear on your March 3 ballot?
Make sure you can vote for your choice in the presidential primary contest. Learn more about voting in a primary at

Not sure if you’re registered to vote? You can check that too.

For more information call 858-505-7217 or toll-free at 

(800) 696-0136. Learn more at

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Friends of World Beat Center


What is going on with the City of San Diego and the WORLD BEAT CENTER – On the  land of the Great Kumeyaay Nation???

The ANCESTORS are calling out to bring attention to a disturbance at the WORLD BEAT CENTER brought on by harassment from the city.Lets get to the root of the issue and solve it in the sprit of the Great Law of Peace. 


Your Vote! Make it Count!

Presidential Primary Election | March 3, 2020

Why is there an election March 3, 2020?

March 3, 2020 is the scheduled election date for the Presidential Primary Election.  In this primary election, voters will choose candidates to run against each other in the November 2020 general election. 

The March primary election will determine candidates for the Office of U.S. President, and for voter nominated offices, including U.S. Senate, Congress, State Senate and State Assembly. Your ballot will also include contests for local nonpartisan offices and questions affecting state and local laws.

Don’t miss these dates!

Monday, February 3, 2020

  • Early voting begins at the Registrar of Voters office (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday)
  • Mail ballots start being sent to mail ballot voters

Monday, February 17, 2020

  • Register to vote by this date

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

  • Last day registered voters may request a mail ballot

Saturday, February 29 and Sunday March 1, 2020

  • Weekend voting at the Registrar of Voters office (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

For more information call 858-505-7217 or toll-free at (800) 696-0136. 


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You can check your registration, re-register and register to vote at                                                                                                                                             

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Free all Political Prisoners!

Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier, a 74 year old indigenous man, part Anishinabe, and part Lakota and Dakota, an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa (English misnomer for the Anishinabe) Nation has served forty-three years in prison for the murder of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1975 which he did not commit. He is a political prisoner who was convicted as part of the FBI’s Cointelpro action to destroy AIM.

After the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee, a corrupt tribal chairman, Dick Wilson created a period of political violence on the Pine Ridge Reservation. He was trying to get the US government into mining uranium in the Badlands for its nuclear programs. The more traditional members of the Lakota nation were firmly against this destruction of the environment. Dick Wilson hired groups of vigilantes, called GOONs for Guardians Of the Oglala Nation, who initiated what became known as the Reign of Terror on the reservation. Known traditional opponents of Dick Wilson were stopped while driving on the reservation, pulled out of their cars or trucks and severely beaten. Then matters got worse and GOON squads started driving around the reservation shooting into dwellings and indiscriminately killing elders, women, and children and setting some places on fire! John Trudeau, a noted poet and artist, lost his wife, three children, and his mother-in-law in one of these fires. Over a three-year period over 67 people were murdered and the FBI refused to investigate even one of these murders. Violent crimes like murder and rape were what the FBI had jurisdiction over on reservations. Instead the FBI was busy arming the GOON squads because the US government wanted the uranium mining project to go forward. Finally, the traditional people asked AIM to provide protection for the elders, women, and children. Leonard Peltier was one of the AIM leaders who set up camps near family compounds to protect the people.

Moms United to End the War on Drugs

November 25, 2019                                                                       

The 7th Annual “Empty Chair at the Holiday Table” Campaign Highlights Human Stories of Loss Caused by the War on Drugs: Incarceration, Overdose Death, Stigma, Drug War Violence 

Mothers from the Moms United to End the War on Drugs International Campaign Speak  Out About the Devastation Caused by Punitive Prohibitionist Drug Policies 

The holidays can be a particularly painful time for families who are missing a loved one at their holiday gathering. This holiday season mothers across the globe are joining  Moms United to End the War on Drugs “Empty Chair at the Holiday Table” Campaign by sharing photos of the empty chair with a picture of a lost or missing loved one due to the War on Drugs. These photos represent the tens of millions of families that have been ravaged by punitive prohibition policies, whether it is separation due to a loved one’s incarceration; an accidental overdose; their being harmed or killed by drug war violence; or their being lost on the streets due to drug problems. 

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