November 12-14, 2014
Morongo Casino Resort & Spa in Cabazon, California.
Click Here to Register for the Event*
Native Nation Events is aware of constricting budgets and have merged last year’s Native American Health Care and Wound Care Conferences with our Semi-Annual Diabetes Conference all into one event.
The comprehensive agenda for the event was written from input provided by over 75 Tribal Clinicians around the country. There are OVER 25 Panels to choose from on the most current topics regarding health with tracks dedicated to Health Care, Wound Care and Diabetes.
Click Here to view the full Agenda
***275-300 Expected Attendees***
- This is a can't miss event for all involved in the health care industry -
Who Should Attend:
-Tribal Leaders - Indian Health Program Chief Executive Officers - Clinical Directors - Chief Medical Officers - CDE’s - Endocrinologists - Business Process Outsourcing Providers - Healthcare Software Providers - Nurse Consultants - Pharmaceutical and healthcare providers – Lawyers - Insurance Providers - Community Outreach Professionals - Purchasing Directors - IT Directors - Construction Companies & Architects specializing in Health Care Facilities
For further information please visit or call (201)857-5333
*Registration provides admission to all activities & meals included on the conference schedule*