Meet Black History Month Local Hero Makeda Marianne Cheatom

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We are so very proud of her, being a long-time friend of Indian Voices, we are sharing this article and its links to announce to you dear readers a truly remarkable woman. 

An excerpt from the article honoring Ms. Cheatom. 

Makeda Marianne Cheatom is many things, and she does many things. All of these are embodied in one place — the World Beat Center, which she founded 30 years ago and still runs today. She says the Center is a culmination of everything she does. It's one place where communities of all kinds come together. But she doesn't call them communities; Cheatom insists they're all one community, one people. Her center is where the people learn, dance, party, grieve, and most importantly — eat.

To read further, please click on the link below, wherein there is video, images and further details regarding the event and works she has contributed to during her lifetime. 

KPBS article here.