NAIHC Lauds Rep. Pearce on Introduction of NAHASDA Re-authorization
WASHINGTON, DC-March 27, 2014-National American Indian Housing Council, NAIHC Chairwoman, Cheryl A. Causley today hailed Congressman Steve Pearce, R-NM for introducing H.R. 4329, the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act, NAHASDA Re-authorization earlier today.
"NAIHC has worked with Rep. Pearce on this important legislation and is thankful to him and his colleagues for their collective, bi-partisan efforts to re-authorize NAHASDA this year. Considering the short legislative calendar for the remainder of the 113th Congress and the mid-term elections, NAIHC urges swift passage of the bill", said Chairwoman Causley.
NAHASDA Re-authorization has been a top priority for NAIHC since early 2012, when NAIHC developed and then shared draft legislation with Congress in March of 2013. On July 24, 2013, Senator Cantwell, D-WA introduced S. 1352, a bill to re-authorize NAHASDA and on March 18, 2014, Representative Don Young, R-AK introduced H.R. 4277, a House counterpart to the Senate bill.
NAHASDA has become the most significant source of federal housing assistance for low-income Indian families and has succeeded in providing housing throughout Indian country. Passage of NAHASDA in 1996 signaled a shift away from federal control of housing decisions and recognition that tribal governments are best situated to design, develop and manage housing in their own communities.
"Indian country remains unified in backing re-authorization efforts on Capitol Hill. We are confident that working with our friends on both sides of the Hill and both sides of the aisle, we will get this legislation enacted in 2014," added Chairwoman Causley.
Follow this link to view text of H.R.4329.
The National American Indian Housing Council, NAIHC was founded in 1974 as a 501(c)(3) corporation. NAIHC is the only national organization representing housing interests of Native people who reside in Indian communities, Alaska Native Villages, and on Native Hawaiian Home Lands.